To Higher Education Institutions

We invite Finnish universities to join the doctoral network. For further information on the conditions of accession, see the form below, which will also enable you to express your interest in accession. If you are a teacher who wants to offer their teaching in the network, we encourage you to discuss the matter with the management and administration representatives of your home university. The contract requires the signature of the university and the administrative input into the study right application process and the processing of applications.

The form can be completed at any time, but it should be completed by the end of May 2023 if you wish to join the network for the academic year 2023-2024. It is estimated that this will give us sufficient time to draw up the agreement and make practical arrangements. Filling out the form is not binding. It’s just an expression of interest. We will be in contact with those who have expressed their interest, discuss practices and send the contract draft for consideration.